Thu, Oct 03, 2024 news

WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOW. We have official merch available...

Sun, Sep 08, 2024 news

Morgen 9 september zijn we te horen op radiozender Sport Fm Continu tijdens de Rock/Metalshow van John Beton en Bruno Metal. Thx guys 🙏🙏🙏
Luister liv...

Thu, Sep 05, 2024 news

Tomorrow it's another edition of 'Bandcamp Friday'

If you buy a song on Bandcamp, SHOTS FIRED gets 100% of that money. That means more income for us...

Sun, Aug 25, 2024 news

We've got some news for you 😎. Soon - in a few days - we will be releasing our first video!
Who's as excited as we are?!?!

Keep an eye on our socia...

Thu, Aug 15, 2024 news

In a few weeks we will share the stage with these top bands: October Changes and Esprit d'Escalier (FR) at the B52 music club.

Event link: OCTOBER ...

Tue, Aug 13, 2024 news

Starting the end of the summer we have a few new shows to announce. And probably a few more to be announced soon! 😉

Thu, May 23, 2024 news

Straatfeesten Kamthout. That was crazy! You can find some awsome pic's (thx Luc!) on our socials. Let's do that again soon!!!

Wed, May 08, 2024 news

Wow, we are still recovering. What a wonderful festival that was! Quite an honor to open this female violence day. A great organization of a first edi...